Sludge dewatering applications / Patents / Features
Sludge dewatering applications


*Making use of our patent high-pressure reciprocating type washing system to wash the filter-belt completely will maintain the
permeability of the filter-belt , lengthen its life span and reduce the water content’s rate of the sludge cake, add the treating
effectiveness of the belt press. *Using the conventional type washing system will consume a lot of washing water, but our patent high-pressure reciprocating type washing system may substitute and solve the shortcomings of using the conventional type, meanwhile, save the huge cost of the treating recycling filtrate of post-process.(Please refer to the following comparison sheet) *Lubricating oil filler:can maintain the high-pressure reciprocating type washing system to run normally and increase its life span. |

*Slurry spread guiding & arraying device : Slurry flocks are arrayed evenly on the central area of the filter-belt by this
device, meanwhile, confirm the sludge squeezed evenly on the filter-belt with rollers and increase the life span of the
filter-belt. (For drum thickening device series only) *Electric control panel : Our circuit breaker will cut off power supply automatically for protecting the safety of the operators if electric leakage occurred. (For TB / TBH / TB3 / TE / TE3 Series only) *Filter belt : Polyester-Material, with good permeability and resistance to chemicals, with long life span when used normally. *Plows : Force and turn the slurry over for assisting create a drainage path for the water phase, add the effective filter area of the filter-belt and increase the thickening effectiveness. (only used for belt thickening systems). *Air pressure shortage safety device. (only used for tracking systems) *Stop & alarm device when abnormal deflection on filter-belt. *Emergency stop & safety device. (For TB / TBH / TB3 / TE / TE3 Series only) |